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Showing posts with the label Video in The Classroom

Finding Images and Videos Clips to Use in Class

Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash When it comes to practicing what we preach, one of the areas where students could call us is citing our sources, especially when pulling pictures off of the internet. I was totally guilty of this in the classroom.  When asking students to be creative, we should be encouraging them to use items that are labeled for reuse or remixing. I wanted to share a list of resources that fit that category.  Photos Unsplash Pexels Pixabay New Old Stock Openverse Videos Pexels Pond5 Pixabay Videvo Audio Openverse YouTube Audio Library Free Music Archive While these are an excellent starter, it is still important to check licenses still. Overall, it is an excellent place to start with helping students find items to build their creative projects from.  I originally posted this, but attended a webinar the next day and we talked about this further. This list was shared during that meeting . 

Amazing YouTube Trick

One of the things that always had me worried in the classroom is the suggested videos that would pop up after sending a student to YouTube to watch a specific click. Having fallen victim to the YouTube never-ending rabbit hole, I know that you can watch one video and it feeds you another video and so on, and each one tends to go further into the topic or to an opposite extreme. In fact, there is even reporting about this exact effect .  If this is something that you have worried about with your students, I want to share with you a trick that I recently learned about in a book study of the book Building Blocks for Tiny Techies . An amazing educator from the middle part of the state shared this awesome trick: by altering the URL prior to sharing, you have more control over what the students see.  Take a classic YouTube Video . When you follow this link, you are taken to the YouTube that most of us know. You have the video in the middle, a side bar with suggested videos, and mayb...

Google Meet Updates - Mute All

Google Meet has grown exponentially since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, changing many of the features and user experiences. In this update, Google Meet now has a "Mute All" option for the host of the meeting. Check out the how-to here .

Google Meet Updates - End the Meeting

Early in the pandemic and the move to remote teaching and learning, there was a lot of confusion around Google Meet links and how the meetings would end. Google has updated the teacher's view when exiting the meeting and included a "End the Call" option to make the link no longer active. Check out the PDF to learn about the steps . 

Tips for Using Google Meet

 Google Meet is Google Workspace's video conferencing option. When working with any technology, it is important to continue to think about best practices. Here is a simple list of some suggestions that the Coloma Technology Department has for working with the Google Meet. It will require students to have access to high-speed internet.  Chunk your content.  With any method of flipped learning or video in the classroom, the shorter the better. Instead of 30 minutes of lecture time, it might be worthwhile to break that into smaller chunks or topics. Instead of a 45 minute synopsis of the Civil War, I could do nine videos of five minutes or so about the different topics within the Civil War.  Think of this as supporting learning in the future! In creating the content and saving it as videos, you can also share this content in the future to support all learning though the Response to Intervention (RtI) process and who may have been absent.    

Screencasting and Video Creation

Screencasting is a helpful tool for creating how-to videos or helping to reinforce the teaching of a specific topic. Below you will find some tips and a how-to screencast with the preferred tool of, Loom [Click here to download] .  Check out this Screencasting 101 document !