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Showing posts with the label Teachers

90 Second Chromebook Tips & Tricks

Short of reposting all of the 90 Second Chromebook Tips and Tricks that we have put together since July of 2016, we have created a YouTube Playlist. Just a heads up on the tips and tricks, some of them may be out dated due to rapidly increasing technology capabilities and changes in Chrome OS. New videos will be posted individually but also added to the playlist! Enjoy!

Chromebooks Offline!

While Chromebooks work better with an internet connection, they also work when they are offline! While internet maybe spotty for some students, if they can connect for a little bit, they may still be able to get their work completed! In order to do this, follow the simple steps below to ensure the device is set up for use without an internet connection! 

Chromebook Troubleshooting

 The wonderful part of Chromebooks is the simplicity in which they run. If the Chromebook is not running as it should, you can follow this simple guide to help utilize the Chromebook and troubleshoot it as necessary.